stela dryer type MUF

stela hybrid heating system

Hybrid heating systems combine two or more technologies to create an efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective heating solution. They typically consist of a combination of renewable energies and fossil fuels.

The innovative STELA hybrid heating system not only saves energy costs in heat generation, it also protects the environment. The flexibility in the choice of fuels, the low maintenance requirements and the uncomplicated operation speak for the efficient heating system, especially in agriculture.


Advantages of STELA hybrid heating systems at a glance:


  • Cost savings: The combination of renewable energies and fossil fuels ensures lower heating costs and efficient use of energy.
  • Environmental friendliness: The use of renewable energies reduces CO2 emissions and thus contributes to environmental sustainability.
  • Flexibility: STELA hybrid heating systems can be adapted to individual needs and circumstances.
    Convenience: The uncomplicated operation and maintenance of the system save time and resources.

Heat generation with alternative fuels

In addition to fuels such as biomass, wood chips or pellets, the system can also be operated with waste heat from various sources such as biogas plants or power stations. This can ensure that the most economical and environmentally friendly option is always used.

Hybrid heating systems in agriculture

The heating system is particularly interesting for farms, as it is able to provide heat for grain manure drying. Grain manure drying is an energy-intensive process in which the air must be heated to remove the moisture from the maize grain. 

from the maize grain. By using alternative fuels, the STELA hybrid heating system can preheat the air needed for drying, reducing the need for fossil fuels for reheating. This saves energy costs and reduces CO2 emissions.


In summary, hybrid heating systems are an effective way of combining the benefits of different heating technologies to achieve both economic and environmental advantages. Furthermore, they offer a high degree of flexibility and can be individually adapted to the needs of the users. Overall, hybrid heating systems are therefore a promising option for efficient and sustainable heating of drying plants in all areas.

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize and wheat
in Germany

Dryer type: GDB-TN 1-11
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 5.8 t/h from 35% to 15%
wheat: 20 t/h from 19% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Germany

Dryer type: MDB-TN 1-17-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 10 t/h from 35% to 14%

Belt dryer for draff and sugar beet pulp
in Poland

Dryer type: BTL 1-3000-33
Dryer output capacity:
draff and sugar beet pulp: 1.2 t/h from 77% to 12%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Germany

Dryer type: MDB-XN 1-16-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 18 t/h from 35% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize and wheat
in Ukraine

Dryer type: MDB-XN 2-18-SU
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 50.8 t/h from 25% to 15%
wheat: 104 t/h from 19% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Poland

Dryer type: MDB-XN 1-18-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 20.4 t/h from 35% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Hungary

Dryer type: MDB-XN 2-14-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 40 t/h from 25% to 14%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Germany

Dryer type: MDB-XN 3-18-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 45 t/h from 35% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Poland

Dryer type: MDB-XN 3-20-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 51 t/h from 35% to 15%

To the references To the case studies

Contact person

Low temperature, continuous dryer, circulating dryer – not sure what’s the best choice for you? Our experienced colleagues will be happy to help you find the best solution for your product. Please feel free to contact us without obligation.

Telephone +49 8724 899-10
Email sales[at]

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