Corn dryer
Your corn comes fresh from the field and should now be dried? A corn dryer is essential, especially for larger quantities, but a corn drying system can also be worthwhile for small quantities.
Maize is still in demand on the world market despite increases in purchase prices. Important: the moisture content of the harvested grain is 35-40%, long-term storage requires 15% or less. Therefore, our special corn dryers are used worldwide to reduce the moisture content of raw materials.
Corn dryer requirements
Regardless of whether the corn is later to be used to make animal feed or popcorn, the moisture must first be removed from the corn kernels. Depending on your requirements and the harvesting conditions of the corn, we can individually manufacture exactly the right corn dryer for you for this process.
Depending on how high the humidity is in the field, it is also important for storage that the corn is dried as quickly as possible. Especially when the humidity is high, the corn kernels must be dried quickly so that they do not decay and start to rot.
The level of harvest moisture depends on both regional conditions and the weather. For example, harvest moisture is generally higher in coastal or generally wetter areas than in more arid areas, higher in the north than in the south. In rainy years, one can assume higher harvest moisture, regardless of the region.
Our corn dryers dry the grains as homogeneously as possible, which minimizes harvest loss and allows the highest possible quality to be achieved in the end result.
Corn dryer from STELA Laxhuber GmbH
STELA corn dryers are manufactured in Germany, are technologically state-of-the-art, powerful, process-optimized, reliable, highly effective, energy-efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
If you are still unsure or have any questions, please contact us, we look forward to advising you on the ideal corn dryer.