Перерабатывающая промышленность

A large number of waste materials can be used as feedstock for energy generation in a circular economy. Alternative fuels like RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) & SSW (Solid Shredded Waste) are coming more into focus. Be it increasing the caloric value for power generation or to improve the controllability of the combustion plants, we at STELA always offer the perfect solution with our individually adapted belt dryers. Большое количество отходов может использоваться в качестве сырья для производства энергии в перерабатывающей промышленности. Альтернативные виды топлива, такие как RDF (топливо полученное из отходов) и SSW (топливо из твердых измельченных отходов) приобретают все большую актуальность и заинтересованность со стороны клиентов. Будь то повышение эффективности теплостанции или усовершенствование и оптимизация работы установок по сжиганию отходов, STELA готова предложить готовое решение для удовлетворения индивидуальных потребностей клиента в виде тщательно спроектированной ленточной сушилки.

Drying plants for the recycling industry

A great amount of waste can be utilised as a raw material for energy generation in the recycling economy. Alternative fuels (RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) & SSW (Solid Shredded Waste)) more and more move into the focus of the recycling industry. Whether to increase the calorific value of energy generation or to improve the controllability of incineration plants, we at Stela always offer the perfect solution with our customised belt dryers.

Recycling management: Use of low-temperature dryers

The abbreviations RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel), SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) and MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) stand for valuable refuse derived fuels (RDF), which were considered a problem for decades. Whether energy-rich waste from households or from the industry: STELA drying technology converts them into renewable resources for a sustainable energy economy.

The name alone makes it clear that the corresponding drying systems must deal with a very inhomogeneous and sometimes difficult-to-handle raw material. The raw material varies greatly from batch to batch, is neither regionally nor seasonally consistent and can change depending on the time of year.

A customised and efficient STELA drying system guarantees the following points:

The drying process makes the product more transportable and increases its calorific value. In addition, the storability is improved, and the weight loss reduces transport costs.

To achieve the desired improvements, the drying technology at RDF, SRF and MSW is faced with the challenge of reacting individually to the sometimes strongly fluctuating moisture content.


Drying plants from STELA Laxhuber

Drying systems from STELA are not only robust, they are also designed to be quickly and flexibly customised to the respective requirements. Automatic final moisture control and efficient ventilation ‘from above’ via frequency-controlled fans are just two key components of low-temperature belt drying, which has proven its worth in the recycling industry for decades.

The technology of the STELA dryer types in detail:

Environmentally conscious thinking, the careful use of resources and the forward-looking utilisation of new raw materials have always been important to STELA. As a climate-neutral company, we conduct research every day to achieve even better results through efficient drying. One focus is on recycling, which can make us less dependent on fossil fuels.

Do you have any further questions? The STELA sales team will be pleased to help you.

Линейка продукции STELA



Belt dryer for sawdust
in Latvia

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-30
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 8.5 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Estonia

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-30
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 8.5 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Canada

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-42
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 14.8 t/h from 50% to 6%

Belt dryer for SRF
in Great Britain

Dryer type: BTL 1-3000-22
Dryer output capacity:
SRF: 36 t/h from 20% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Argentina

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-9
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 2.95 t/h from 50% to 11%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Italy

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-19.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 6 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Belgium

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-25.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 10 t/h from 50% to 9%

Belt dryer for wood chips
in Germany

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-13.5
Dryer output capacity:
wood chips: 3.9 t/h from 50% to 25%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Norway

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-13.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 3.7 t/h from 57% to 10%

To the references To the case studies

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Телефон: +49 8724 899-10
Эл. почта: sales[at]stela.de