stela slat conveyor dryer type PBT

Slat conveyor dryer type PBT

Characteristic features:

  • Granulators can be used that keep dust to a minimum
  • Even input material structure
  • Robust, durable dryer design
  • Process temperatures up to 220°C can be achieved
  • Can be implemented in space-saving multi-conveyor systems
  • Available in 2.5 m or 4 m belt widths

More Information

Download our information brochure on the subject of low-temperature belt dryers here.
This will give you an initial overview of our range of products and the many possibilities in this product category.

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Latvia

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-30
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 8.5 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Estonia

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-30
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 8.5 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Canada

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-42
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 14.8 t/h from 50% to 6%

Belt dryer for SRF
in Great Britain

Dryer type: BTL 1-3000-22
Dryer output capacity:
SRF: 36 t/h from 20% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Argentina

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-9
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 2.95 t/h from 50% to 11%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Italy

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-19.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 6 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Belgium

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-25.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 10 t/h from 50% to 9%

Belt dryer for wood chips
in Germany

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-13.5
Dryer output capacity:
wood chips: 3.9 t/h from 50% to 25%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Norway

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-13.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 3.7 t/h from 57% to 10%

To the references To the case studies

Get in contact

Contact person

Low temperature, continuous dryer, circulating dryer – not sure what’s the best choice for you? Our experienced colleagues will be happy to help you find the best solution for your product. Please feel free to contact us without obligation.

Telephone +49 8724 899-10
Email sales[at]

See all contact persons