Drying plants for the cement industry

At STELA, we offer customised modern solutions in the field of fuel pre-drying.  By drying a wide range of alternative fuels, such as RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) and SSW (Solid Shredded Waste), the controllability and quality assurance in clinker production is optimised. By using the waste heat from upstream production processes, the economic operation of the drying plants is guaranteed.

The transformative role of alternative fuels in the cement industry

As the climate change is more than present these days, industries like the cement industry face the challenge to drastically reduce their CO2 emissions.
Since the production processes in cement plants already leave a considerable CO2 footprint, operators are increasingly being urged to look for innovative solutions to reduce emissions. In this context the utilisation of alternative fuels turns out to be a promising strategy to face these challenges and at the same time keep the competitiveness of this sector.

The evolution of alternative fuels: From waste to valuable resources

In the past, alternative fuels were often regarded as waste and treated accordingly. But today they have become high quality alternative fuels which can make a significant difference when it comes to reducing the environmental pollution.
Known as secondary or substitute fuels, they include a wide range of materials, including:

This variety underlines the potentials of the circular economy and shows how supposed waste can be turned into valuable resources.

Improved drying technologies for optimised production

Drying technology is a key step in the utilisation of alternative fuels. An efficient drying not only enables a better process controllability but also helps to improve quality assurance in clinker production.
Customised drying plants therefore play an important role in cement plants.
STELA’s drying systems have proven to be leading in this respect. Due to their robustness, durability, energy efficiency, flexibility, and homogeneous drying, they significantly contribute to an increase of productivity and efficiency in the plants.

The variety of STELA drying plants

STELA’s low-temperature belt dryers type BT and BTL are the perfect solutions for the challenging demands of the cement industry.
The BT version offers three-stage drying technology in belt widths of 6200 mm and 8400 mm, while the BTL version is available with a belt width of 2000 mm or 3000 mm. This variety enables the cement plants to optimally adapt their drying systems to their specific requirements and thus achieve maximum efficiency.

Customised drying solutions for maximum benefit

At STELA Laxhuber, customised drying concepts take centre stage. Detailed analyses and tests in our in-house technical centre are used to develop drying systems that are precisely matched to the needs of the individual cement plants. This not only ensures a maximum increase in efficiency, but also sustainable production that offers both ecological and economic benefits.

A contribution to global sustainability

STELA’s dryers, manufactured in Germany and in use around the world, make a significant contribution to optimising production processes, conserving resources, and reducing environmental impact.
By using alternative fuels in combination with advanced drying technologies, the cement industry becomes a pioneer regarding sustainability and environmental protection.
Do you have any further questions concerning STELA’s drying plants? Please use our contact form for additional information.

Stela product range

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our references

Belt dryer for SRF
in Great Britain

Dryer type: BTL 1-3000-22
Dryer output capacity:
SRF: 36 t/h from 20% to 10%

Belt dryer for SSW
in Poland

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-12
Dryer output capacity:
SSW: 10 t/h from 35% to 10%

Belt dryer for SRF
in Great Britain

Dryer type: BTL 1-3000-22
Dryer output capacity:
SRF: 36 t/h from 20% to 10%

Belt dryer for RDF
in Germany

Dryer type: BTL 1-3000-14
Dryer output capacity:
RDF: 8.9 t/h from 15% to 5%

Belt dryer for RDF
in Latvia

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-13.5
Dryer output capacity:
RDF: 7.7 t/h from 25% to 3%

To the references To the case studies

Contact person

Low temperature, continuous dryer, circulating dryer – not sure what’s the best choice for you? Our experienced colleagues will be happy to help you find the best solution for your product. Please feel free to contact us without obligation.

Telephone +49 8724 899-10
Email sales[at]stela.de

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