Drying technology for timber industry

What has long been state of the art in other sectors is now increasingly in demand in the timber industry: low-emission belt drying systems for pre- and main-drying of fibres, chips and OSB strands in chipboard production. It is a good thing that Stela has been working intensively on waste wood drying for many years, since our customers can now benefit from this know-how through our drying systems: know-how based on efficiency, durability and the highest safety standards.

STELA product range

Our references

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Italy

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-19.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 6 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for wood chips
in Germany

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-13.5
Dryer output capacity:
wood chips: 3.9 t/h from 50% to 25%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Germany

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-28.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 8.8 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Romania

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-28.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 43 t/h from 47% to 30%

Belt dryer for wood chips
in Italy

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-43.5
Dryer output capacity:
wood chips: 9.6 t/h from 57% to 3%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Romania

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-58.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 17 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Poland

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-24
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 8 t/h from 50% to 10%

Belt dryer for bark
in Sweden

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-49.5
Dryer output capacity:
bark: 26.6 t/h from 60% to 45%

Belt dryer for sawdust
in Latvia

Dryer type: BT 1-6200-16.5
Dryer output capacity:
sawdust: 4 t/h from 50% to 10%

To the references To the case studies

Get in contact

Contact person

Low temperature, continuous dryer, circulating dryer – not sure what’s the best choice for you? Our experienced colleagues will be happy to help you find the best solution for your product. Please feel free to contact us without obligation.

Telephone +49 8724 899-10
Email sales[at]stela.de

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