stationary dryer AgroDry® from stela

Stationary drying system AgroDry®

Characteristic features:

  • Use of the highest quality materials
  • Long service life
  • No upper performance limit
  • Optimal energy saving with Bi-turbo technology, air circulation systems and heat recovery
  • High cost-effectiveness
  • High vertical range of manufacture over 98%
  • Flexible modular design (all systems can be individually adapted according to customer requirements)
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor installation
  • TÜV-tested indirect air heater with efficiency > 91%
  • Noise protection equipment for minimum noise emissions
  • Uniform product discharge over the entire dryer base area with STELA-Pneuma discharge plough
  • In-house electrical department and programming guarantees optimum integration of the system into the overall concept
  • Automation through automatic humidity control with pulse probes

Stela stationary dryers

Biturbo system

From dryer contents of approx. 60m³ and from 0.751 kWh/kgH2o thermal energy requirement!

The innovative air flow provided by Stela Bi-turbo technology reduces the amount of hot air required and therefore cuts the specific energy consumption in comparison to conventional systems with active heat recovery by up to 35%.

Air circulation system

From dryer capacities of about 44m³, the recirculation system has already proven itself many times over the last 30 years.
Active heat recovery saves up to 20% energy compared to pure exhaust air systems.

Exhaust air system

This system is ideally suited for smaller dryer capacities from 25m³ and alternative fuels. A choice can be made between passive heat recovery and direct exhaust air ducting.

In order to also meet the constantly increasing requirements for energy efficiency and emissions, continuous development is a top priority at Stela– for the benefit of our customers and the environment.

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize and wheat
in Germany

Dryer type: GDB-TN 1-11
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 5.8 t/h from 35% to 15%
wheat: 20 t/h from 19% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Germany

Dryer type: MDB-TN 1-17-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 10 t/h from 35% to 14%

Belt dryer for draff and sugar beet pulp
in Poland

Dryer type: BTL 1-3000-33
Dryer output capacity:
draff and sugar beet pulp: 1.2 t/h from 77% to 12%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Germany

Dryer type: MDB-XN 1-16-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 18 t/h from 35% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize and wheat
in Ukraine

Dryer type: MDB-XN 2-18-SU
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 50.8 t/h from 25% to 15%
wheat: 104 t/h from 19% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Poland

Dryer type: MDB-XN 1-18-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 20.4 t/h from 35% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Hungary

Dryer type: MDB-XN 2-14-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 40 t/h from 25% to 14%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Germany

Dryer type: MDB-XN 3-18-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 45 t/h from 35% to 15%

Stationary drying system AgroDry® for maize
in Poland

Dryer type: MDB-XN 3-20-SB
Dryer output capacity:
maize: 51 t/h from 35% to 15%

To the references To the case studies

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Contact person

Low temperature, continuous dryer, circulating dryer – not sure what’s the best choice for you? Our experienced colleagues will be happy to help you find the best solution for your product. Please feel free to contact us without obligation.

Telephone +49 8724 899-10
Email sales[at]

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